05.04.16 – End of Day Notes

What I did today: I’ve done a lot of writing today and I am exhausted from it. And I didn’t get everything I wanted to do finished. How is that even possible? *smdh* I need more hours in the day! I also still need to do some reading before bed, but with my mind in a funk, I may just watch some mindless something on Netflix.

What I learned today: I’m getting no where fast trying to catch up on others’ blogs. I have good intentions, but by the time the day is drawing to a close, I realize I’ve read and commented little. I am just not satisfied with clicking ‘like’ and moving on.

What I am most proud of today: I stepped outside my comfort zone and video chatted with my friend Annette. I still have self-image issues and don’t like to be seen. It sucks, but this helped a lot.

What did you do today, dear readers? Learn any lessons? Have a reason to be proud? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

Self-Improvement – Negative Thoughts

Annette over at Annette’s Place hosts a Self-Improvement blogshare. This week, she proposes:

I encourage you to write a post and link it back here to share with us some negative thoughts you live with and how do you place them under arrest?

I don’t have nearly as many negative thoughts these days as I have had in the past. So I am going to list the ones I used to have, the ones I still have and then how I combat them.

Past Negative Thoughts:

  • I am a burden to everyone.
  • No one could possibly love me.
  • I am fat and ugly.
  • I am a phony.
  • I would be better off dead.
  • No one understands me. Therefore, I deserve to be alone.
  • I have nothing of value to contribute to others.

Current Negative Thoughts:

  • My writing sucks
  • I’m still fat and ugly
  • I am still unlovable

It took me years of therapy to overcome most of those past negative thoughts. The current ones don’t creep in very often, thankfully. But when they do, what do I do? I keep a journal of positive and motivational quotes and read them often. I also switch to Mindfulness mode and will concentrate on one small thing until the thoughts subside. If both of those fail, I will put in some inspirational music or watch a good movie. If I still cannot relieve my mind of the negative, I do the Ho’oponopono meditation. Generally, the thoughts go away fairly quickly when I do that.

How about you, dear readers? How do you combat negative thoughts? Share your thoughts with me in comments.


10 Daily Currents – 05.04.16

It is Wednesday at 6:o4 pm and I am currently…

1. listening: to the news

2. eating: baked chicken thigh, tossed salad

3. drinking: Pepsi Max

4. wearing: black lounger, black sweater, black socks

5. feeling: pretty good for a change

6. weather: coolish, partly cloudy, about 60 degrees

7. wanting: chocolate

8. needing: to be reading some things

9. thinking: a bunch of nonsensical things

10. enjoying: The Path on Hulu while I eat dinner

I had a thought, dear readers… if you’d like to grab these 10 Daily Currents and write your own, link back to my post so I can share along with you!

Wednesday Hodgepodge – 05.04.16


for Wednesday Hodgepodge @ From This Side of the Pond

1. What’s something fun you’re looking forward to on your May calendar?

Fun? hmmm… I guess just writing. I don’t have any social eventss scheduled for the month of May, unless friends decide to stop over for a visit.

2. What are some images that come to mind when you hear the word mother?

Unfortunately, very few good images come to mind. Abandonment, favoritism, an unstable mind – my mother was a great cook, so I usually associate food with her.

3. What’s something beautiful you own or have seen that’s made of glass?

I have a beautiful set of hand-blown glass goblets that I bought at a craft market in OK years ago.

4. Was today typical? If not what made it unusual?

As typical as it can be. I stayed up all night, slept late into the afternoon, and am now up doing some writing projects – that’s pretty typical of my day.

5. What is a quality you wish you could have more of?


6. What’s the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen in the month of May?

I don’t really do major purchases anymore. My life is pretty simplistic. My money is spent on the few bills I owe, groceries, vitamins, and an occasional book.

7. What responsibility/job/work did you dislike while growing up but has proved helpful to you as an adult?

Gardening. While I never really minded helping in the garden, I did find it exhausting and tedious. Now I enjoy the simple pleasures of getting my fingers into the soil and weeding the garden. Gives me time to reflect on life.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I have the theme to Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood stuck in my head for some reason. I haven’t heard it for years, so no idea where it came from.