10 Daily Currents – 05.12.16

It is Thursday at 6:50 pm and I am currently…

1. listening: news on tv, thunder rumbling

2. eating: ate the toppings off of a couple of slices of pizzas.. not really hungry

3. drinking: iced coffee

4. wearing: black shorts, black nightgown

5. feeling: a bit sluggish, probably withdraws from the soda

6. weather: warmish, humid, dark clouds looming, very breezy – about 80 degrees

7. wanting: nothing much at the moment

8. needing: to do more writing and read some others’ posts

9. thinking: I’m too pooped to care right now

10. enjoying: about to watch the last two Resident Evil movies

I had a thought, dear readers… if you’d like to grab these 10 Daily Currents and write your own, link back to my post so I can share along with you!