Inspired! – 11/22/16 #NaBloPoMo #CheerPeppers

As some of my readers may recall, Thích Nhất Hạnh, affectionately called Thay by his devotees and friends, is one of my spiritual teachers. His words of wisdom have Inspired! me for over a decade now. Here is one of my favorite, inspiring quotes:


Does this quote inspire you to live a more peaceful life, dear readers? Let’s discuss it in comments.

Linking up with Nano Poblano


#joyfuljan – Day Nineteen

For today’s #joyfuljan, I find joy in my boring, uneventful life.

Yep, it’s true. From the time I get up until I go to bed, I pretty much know what is going to happen. There are relatively few surprises and for those who know me well, they know I hate surprises. It’s not that my day is all planned out or that I follow a set routine, because that is not the case. I do shake things up now and again, but on my terms and no one else’s terms.

So why would a boring life bring me joy? I once had quite an adventurous life. Always on the go. Always getting into trouble. Always searching for something and never quite knowing what IT was. This lifestyle of mine caused me a great deal of stress and anxiety. I would have manic episodes and then crash and burn into depression. I was a mess and suicidal. I took so many prescription drugs just to barely survive.

Now I live a calm, drug-free, quiet life. And this brings me more joy than any crazy adventure out there. Besides, if I want adventures, I will watch them on tv or write about them. And when they are over, I can just tuck them away and go back to my peaceful and boring existence.

What are you joyful about today? Let me know in the comments.

Throughout the month of January, I will be celebrating Joyful January with Satya and Kaspa over at Writing Our Way Home

#joyfuljan – Day One


Today, I find joy in knowing that I have the ability to create my own reality. This is a new year filled with possibilities and I want to embrace as many as I possibly can. I can and will have an abundant 2016. I define abundance as follows:

  • Awakening each day filled with love and gratitude
  • Cultivating friendships and family connections
  • Working on projects that inspire me
  • Having resources that I need and a few that I desire
  • Maintaining my health
  • Anything else that the Divine deems I am abundantly worthy of

Today, I am joyful!


Throughout the month of January, I will be celebrating Joyful January with Satya and Kaspa over at Writing Our Way Home