A Cautionary Tale about the Paranormal Date Website

I have been a huge fan of Coast to Coast AM for years. A while back, via their emails, C2C was singing the praises of the Paranormal Date website as a way for C2C listeners to meet other people who are also interested in the Paranormal, UFOs, ETs, etc. Sounds good, right? Who wouldn’t want to meet other like-minded people?

I decided to sign up because you could post that you are only looking for friends. Figured this would be a great way to meet others who enjoy the paranormal. I got a lot of attention, but whenever I would bring up the topic about the paranormal with some of the people I was chatting with, they said either they weren’t interested in such things or thought it was an odd topic for me to be bringing up. I was a bit stumped by this, but figured well it is a dating site and let it go.

Today, I received a message from someone and when I mentioned the PD website, they said they weren’t a member of PD, they were on a different dating site. Then it happened again, but an entirely different dating site. And finally a third time! again, an entirely different dating site. I was dumbfounded and a bit miffed by this information. My profile was on all 3 of those other dating sites, sites I had NOT signed up for.

What I have discovered is, the people who own the company that hosts Paranormal Date, have in their TOS that your information will be shared in “networks.” In other words, they take it upon themselves to plaster your profile over a whole host of other dating sites. They claim this makes sharing with others easier. I consider it fraud!

So, my dear friends… if you sign up for Paranormal Date, you are not just signing up for that date site and you will receive messages from people from all of those other date sites. If your intent is to meet people who just enjoy paranormal as you do, that may not be the case. So just prepare yourselves to be bombarded by people with entirely different interests and agendas.

If this concerns you, as it has me, I hope you will help spread the word. Feel free to give out this post to anyone you think might have or may sign up for Paranormal Date.

57 thoughts on “A Cautionary Tale about the Paranormal Date Website

  1. I listened to Art Bell for so many years and was saddened by his death. I agree with many people here that George Norry is a huckster . Coast to Coast seems to have devolved into a running informercial. George’s interest’s appear to be purely monetary what with his gushing about dating sites, his tv show, supplements and on and on! His style of interviewing is lackluster at best. And if I hear him say the phrase, ‘that’s strange’ I’m going to disconnect my radio!

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  3. Hello Lori and all , so i’m prob not the web skilled user as most of you are, but i understand buisiness and how computers basically etc work better than most. So hey i went to look @ it too, though not always, this time i looked into their cust policy. WOW BAD, so a co in UK owns a load of date sites, prob other types too, but ! some are adult content ie nudity, ok i’m grown rite and as it’s been said they use your profile on ALL their sites, this ” alows them to offer YOU more connection opportunities HOW THOUGHTFULL ” you also AUTH THEM LIFETIME USE OF ANY ALL INFO ABOUT YOU THEY HAVE!!! WUHAAA.T. F. YUP CAMPERS DROP YOUR DRAWERS UPON ENTERING!!!. I set up a Free acct, but could’nt navigate for JACK, immed had props to talk etc with INTERESTED ladies, ” to MY EMPTY ” profile!?, must be VERY interested. When for kicks, i look you cant as they have lil to nothing in their profiles, seems like a hookup site whichever one it was you’re not told where you/they are, ya need to PAY to see all but 1 of pics ” clothed !?huh weird” shortly i’d seen enough. This is like best dates, tendermeets, etc they’re all flesh meeting sites, that i’d guess are tied to prostitution, OR ! Wait for it folkes, the fun part, been on POF this year, it seems by MANY actions/propositions that ” this is happening in facebook n twit i’m told by a vzn tech who experienced it ” they i’m sure are some Russian “talked? w at least 3″ Bots, profiles are regularly being hacked, n hijacked ” i watched as it happened by chance ” your proped w hey, wutz up handsome etc, i saw the profiles txt body delete, be replaced by much shorter HOOCHIE dialogue, then pic zipped, replaced by sultry sexy dressed DIFFERENT persons pic, and you get meet me here, addy is in IMOGIES !? yup cartoon lips, bikinis, bananas, hearts, in place of words/letters, ” that’s SECURE” shure, to get her phys addy come over now and Fribble me NOW!!!, but i’m in MA, and she’s “it’s” in NJ? shure i’ll hop a plane be rite there hun!?, or to another COMP FREE no CCard needed babe ?, site for her “it’s” pics and others too. Most troubling is after only LOOKING @ a profile of normal prof woman, next day i get an email IN MY PERSONAL OFF SITE ADDY, Whoa!?, the only way that could’ve happend as i’d not given it out, is ” it, they, site owners, empl, China, Ruskies, prost ring WHOEVER!?” has accessed the sites M, anagement I, nformation S, ystems, VERY BAD for us members. Good thing i only use all fake names for addy and in site, fig this your NEW, NOW protocol FOREVERMORE!!! Get it, Got it, Good, YOU’D BETTER HAVE. if/when both ” RED ” countries start their own YES WWWebs, in planning, courting other countries to use, join their Net, expected fairly soon will activate, they’ll need want YOUR info for $ MARKETING, OPERATIONAL, PAYOUT/OFF CAPITAL $ Why not rite, sell, use your info for their plans of !?, yeah not your benefit for sure. OK, BACK TO GEORGIE N @ C to Coast, i went to their site to send Big G N a msg of what was going on in/with HIS NEW GREAT, IT’S SOOO GOID YOU ALL NEED TO TRY IT IF YOU WANT TO MEET, YADA YADA YADA WE ONLY NEED 6K MORE SUBSCRIBERS TO REACH “?
    hundred thousands, and IT’S FREE TO SIGN UP RITE/FOR NOW !” YAY you $ Georgie boy $$$. So i type it up with other things i’d been thinking of info’ng him about, trying to type it was a headache excersize ” to put people/us off the notion? ” if you punctuate ie ” , ” it red blocks your text, shrinks it, cant back up to edit etc, so i adapt, improvise, overcome Hooo Ahhh, I Thought !, i hit send, and THE ADDY IS NOT A VALID ADDRESS!!!? WTF eh, yeah so ya think he knows and been getting first informative concerned, then HATE mail about it ?. So being buisiness, his show’s on late wee hrs nite, ” the cheapest timeslot “, hops around to use diff radio/broadcasting stations ?, a few smaller $ budget advertisers, though regular, doing ? many meets, gettogethers,to talk with US,promote speakers and their books, sell shirts,
    hats, ? etc, JUST 15cents a day = $50? a year, to access his past show records. Get newsletters, listen and the G, WHO NEVER TAKES A SIDE OR VOTES!? Wuhaaa, you’ll notice daily, agrees with ” heartlly confirms info ” that some guest not on before ” claims true, you’re abs rite, then “days or weeks ” etc later another
    ” contradicting guest ” is on and he’s all confirming, validating, oh yes i know, absolutely, you’re rite about that there, YUP thaaat’s exactly rite/it, etc yada. ” I’M GONNA PUKE NOW FOLKES OK ” So what’s actually real, remember this guy is former U.S. Navy Communications ” on air ” guy during The Nam, almost always = Gov propaganda tool individual, ” if i was’nt in radio i’d be in politics ” read it rite on his website”. Point being, the likelyhood Georgie Noory does’nt know what’s going on with those two ” paranormal, conspiracy ” date sites is ?. So how much, if any of your info is being used for ?, and tied in with other Intl sites, incl adult rated, hookup, prostitution pandering ? sites, i don’t know but between who n what i do know and what i’ve heard from him and his guests about what/all the things and how those things are, have been going on, back decades to centuries in the U.S. Gov and others, ya gotta think about WTF it’s all about, try that/those one’s for a possible conspiracy being played upon US folkes, Good nite and good luck.

    • Thanks for your research Dale and for informing us on what you discovered. It sickens me still that GN is still making money off of other people’s confusion and misery. Scary to think of what happened to any of the info I posted on that site, even tho I cancelled my acct. I guess none of it really went away and was probably stolen and used for nefarious means. Take care Dale! Thanks again!

  4. I wish I found you first, Lori, instead of hoping to meet people like minded -which seems really a challenge in the Toledo area! Truly disappointed!! I too have experienced others who never signed up on paranormal date. The refund policy is bollocks. I will never look at Noory or C2C the same way again!

    • I am so sorry you got conned, Pam, but I am glad you found my little place on the web. Please let others know about the scam they are pulling over at Paranormal Date. The more people who know, then maybe we can get them shut down. Thanks for coming here and sharing your story.

  5. Pingback: Review Of ParanormalDate.com -

  6. It is deceptive indeed. I was very hopeful to meet a fellow coast to coast listener. Only met two people who were aware of coast to coast. I have a close to three year friendship with one guy that I met on paranormal date. I got lucky, I guess. Was on about 3 months before I met him though. Was getting real disappointed at the slim pickings. canceled my subscription shortly after exchanging emails with my new found friend.

    I am disgusted to learn about these shady dealings that George Noory were apart of in the past. Will stop listening to his C2C program now, don’t want to support someone with such little integrity. And to think that he claims to be a Christian!

  7. I signed up for this for about a year… what a joke. I have been sick of George Noorey for the past year… he went from a zillion commercials to now, darn near INFOMERCIALS. He talks non stop about his self, interrupts guests and has been hateful to some of the guests…..FLAT OUT….. HE AIN’T NO ART BELL!!

    • After I figured out the scheme they were using with the dating sites, I just stopped listening to Coast2Coast altogether. I am sad though to hear how badly Noorey has dragged Art’s show down. It was an amazing show when Art did it and for a short while when Noorey first took it over. But I noticed it was going down hill right before I stopped listening.

  8. I have signed up for paranomal date site . I put in my email address now they won’t let me in. I tried everything to get in same message keeps popping up . There is one man I really would like to talk to him & I have a lot in common .But I ‘m happy that I read all these letters.. Thank you

    • I am sorry you got locked out of the site, Barb. But I am also glad you found my post here and got to read about some of our experiences. Sorry you won’t be able to connect with the gentleman you found. Giving out personal emails on there was a no-no, I discovered. They want to keep you tied to the site. Just another horrid thing about that site.

  9. Seems like it was a Good thing that the Join did Not work for me today. Thank you God and Angels. 🙂
    Not surprised at all to read the comments. Listening to good ol’ George and his personal feelings, he is not for the people.
    Such a shame we can’t meet each other.

    • Yes, someone was definitely looking out for you, Mandy. I am glad you found me here and didn’t get snowed into that dating site. Feel free to email me any time at ravynehawke at gmail dot com. I would love to chat.

  10. Big disapointment if George Noory endorses but does not make perfectly clear that data is being shared
    with “partners” (including the nsa gogle etc) . Noory should stop as that “trust” is being blown.

  11. Hello, My name is Robert. I read the comment ,”The Fact ” from Lori Carlson, I feel Lori is 100% corect in her feelings of Fraud.
    In reading what Lori wrote, ” and how it made me feel”, I realized that “Fraud” might not be the word that I would choose.. .. Dissected ,Deception ,Respect,”or lack there of”.. Many other words came to mind.. My mind, the reason?? I to am a member of the dating site.. I Have Been on other dating sites, some good some not so good, I figured I got what I put into the site and those who I met on these sites,” Still I was single”.
    George Norey who I have listend to for quite some time ,I believed “in a way”, that I was part of the Radio show, I felt finally , a radio show that I could relate to, still I was dating from another site “POF “,with no luck might I add.
    In listening to George I heard him plug The paranormal dating site so I looked into it and when I found out he started it along with a likeminded friend .. Well I joined…
    The main reason I joined was because I trusted that only like minded people would be on it, WELL WE ARE!! ALONG WITH THOUSANDS OF OTHERS WHO ARE ALSO BEING LIED TO BY WHATEVER DATING SITE THEY JOINED.!!
    Think of it like this, every time George plugs his dating site have you noticed how George is always saying how great it is to have thousands of likeminded members…. Well it’s a frigging lie… I’ve been on a lot of dates from other web dating sites IT DIDNT WORK.. I thought this was different, I was lied to, And It’s Not Free.. GEORGE IS MAKING MONEY ON HIS LIE!!! Because You or I can’t talk,text or contact these members with our contact information unless we pay… Ya, Talk about privacy, They read all text sent by You to The person your interested in, if any contact info is in your text.. The text is deleted or you can pay for an upgraded membership only to find that you paid to hopefully meet a likeminded person… NOT GONA HAPPEN…

    • Hello again. Wow Rob, I read your letter here and I know how you feel. C2C was the reason I joined Paranormal date too. I agree George should be ashamed his dating site is saturated with catfish. He should not be advertising it as like minded people etc. He is as bad as this production.

  12. Has anyone investigated Gaiam tv, or David wilcock and Corey Goode of the secret space program ? Often hear about these programs and guests on George noory. Thanks

  13. I only had to Google “Paranormaldate scam” to end up here. If George Noory has his name attached to anything, five-will-get-you-ten it’s some scam.

    George Noory specializes in having every huckster, con artist, liar or cheat on his overnight-radio program. Because no credible media source would put these cheap carnival hacks on their airtime. Because they have to maintain credibility — at least to a degree — which Noory does not. He operates out of his own “little world” while trying to degrade others. Note every time he attempts to go out in our “real world,” he sustains a humbling and then retreats back to his fan base of gullible or ignorant people.

    All I can suggest is to try and catch Noory at his word when he claims his “paranormaldate” site has “X” amount of members. Yes, that doesn’t mean it’s for that website exclusively, but includes an umbrella amount harvested from other unrelated sites.

    My most recent check shows 54,000 members to “paranormaldate” site, as listed on Premiere Networks’ “Coast To Coast AM” website. Yes, that’s kind of deceiving — even as he states on air — but all I can suggest is for those who feel they are been fooled is to file a complain with the Federal-Trade Commission (FTC) over what you may perceive as false advertising.

    Yes, some terms and conditions do indeed state about their “network.” George Noory may indeed be walking the line as far as the law, but such as the FTC can only act on determining that if they receive enough complaints.

    Just look up George Noory in Missouri public records from all his “businesses” years ago. My word. Lawsuit after lawsuit against NORCOM and GEORGE RALPH NOORY — and just about anything he was involved in. For cheating people and failure to pay on what was promised. Why Premiere Networks hired him for Coast is beyond me. It appears he never acted in good faith with anyone — and now, it appears, he’s up to his old tricks again. As some of you may known now.

    James Alex Gerard

    • Thank you for your insightful and informative comments, James. I have reported him and the dating site to FTC, but I haven’t heard a word back from them. I do appreciate you spreading the word on this fraudulence. Happy to know that my blog post is showing up under Google. Thanks for letting me know. Cheers!

      • Well, Lori, my concern is their “alternative-health” programs for a paid sponsor in that “criticalhealthnews(dot)com”. Mainly, there are consumer-protection laws against airing a supposed “news, editorial or program matter” broadcast when it may well be a paid program.

        It’s not so easy to get anything done. But I care about people and will try. Not like my 30-plus years in professional jobs and my career experience doesn’t give me an edge against these hucksters. Maybe nothing will come of it, but if I can stop only one person from being cheated or harmed by this nonsense and profiteering, it’s worth it for me.

        In regard to that sponsored “criticalhealthnews(dot)com” scam, all I can suggest is that listeners expresses their concerns to the Federal Trade Commission.

        The lack of FDA disclaimers*, the lack of perhaps disclosure to affiliates and listeners that any “money, compensation or anything of value” is being exchanged in that declared “partnership” is a matter that requires legal investigation, I feel.

        *The required FDA disclaimer lacking on “Coast To Coast AM”: “These claims have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not mean to prevent, treat or cure any type of disease.”

        If you feel you are hearing a paid program under the guise of “news, editorial or program matter” with George Noory and that “criticalhealthnews(dot)com,” I encourage you to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

        Further, consider Section 317 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 317, even further at Section 507 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 508. In simple terms, “Paid Programming” is to described as just that — just stating a guest represents a “paid sponsor” for “other advertisements” outside the program matter may not cover a broadcaster.

        I have logged so much nonsense with that criticalhealthnews(dot)com. George Noory may be misinforming listeners that it’s a licensed medical provider in the state of California. It is not, It is, instead, a Youngevity Independent Distributor — according to its URL listed, owned and operated by one Michael L. Zwerling.

        That’s right, all! It’s that same Michael L. Zwerling, who owns an operates a “Coast” radio affiliate in KSCO (1080 AM) in Santa Cruz, California. Can you “guess” how he keeps his radio station going, as he admits? That’s right, selling airtime for infomercials sounding like news programs to one Joel Wallach of Youngevity International, Inc.

        I have recorded a statement in which Joel Wallach told listeners on “Coast To Coast AM” that people should buy what is sold on that website because if they do, they will also “help” George Noory.

        “George makes money off the sales of these products through this show,” Wallach stated. What? Did that “guest” just admit that? I’m sure he did — because I have an audio and a transcript of just that.

        There you go: Even Wallach implied something is very fishy and scammy going on. It’s a shame so many don’t hear this, can perceive that and instead fall for these hucksters including the “Captain Crook ” of these deceptions himself, George Noory.

        Cordially and in good faith to all,
        James Alex Gerard

      • This is powerful need-to-know information, James. I don’t think people realize that this could be a scam too. Our health is so important and we don’t need to fall for these “health” scams.
        So thank you for including all of this information here. I know my readers read the comments, so what you’ve listed here will go a long way toward revealing Noory for who he is – a scam artist. Thanks, again!

      • Lori, earlier this year, George Noory on one of his “Open Lines” bits claimed he was some “outstanding” high-school baseball player and was in line for some collegiate scholarship.

        His “Open Lines” is nothing but a chance for this narcissistic to try and make “Open Lies” about his accomplishments. The biggest “red flag” in his supposed “baseball star” ranting was that he was taught by his mother. That’s right — his mother! What in the world?

        George, boys and men play baseball. Women play softball. But, apparently and his own words, George’s mother was a baseball player. Then, as he claimed, threw a wicked fastball that honed his supposedly hitting skills. What? She pitched overhand like a man?

        OK. Just look up Harvey S. Lowery High School in Dearborn, Michigan from 1965 to 1968. I checked yearbooks, the high school newspaper — “The Lowery Light” and even weeklies in that area. No mention of George Noory playing baseball or any sport. Let alone being the “collegiate-athletic scholarship” prospect he claimed to be.

        When I emailed him to ask, I got this back when I informed him I failed to fail any evidence that he played any sports: “I was soooooooo good. Did u play any sports….little jimmy?”

        That’s the lying, immature and insecure George Noory at his core. He got caught in lies — then lashes out at those who call him on it. There’s no evidence he ever played organized sports. Rather than admit his lies, he acts like a 10-year-old spoiled brat who didn’t get his or her way.

        Incredible how many fools fall for this guy. His talk of standing for “truth. light and love” are among the lies that carpet his existence. Then when he stated he was “playing baseball, football and track” in school — despite not being listed on any such sqaud from his freshman to senior year from what I researched — he got “pissed” and insulted me further when I reminded him baseball and track seasons for boys overlap in the spring.

        You either play baseball or do track, George, but not both. Then I got some threatening email message back from George Noory’s listed “Coast” email address that “You are being watched closely.”

        OK. I informed the person on the other end of that email address I consider that a stalking threat that may put me in danger. I advanced that any such “stalking” email threats will be turned over to federal-law enforcement, if needed, since I consider that strange statement about “being watched” disturbing and I’m not going to coward down to such threats.

        Haven’t heard a word since. It appears that one email address I used has been blocked since. There you go. That George Noory may be one unhinged person. Some possible sicko who gets on radio and fools people into thinking he’s worth anything.

        I suspect him more at a liar, a cheat and a very insecure and vindictive — do I dare say “evil” — individual who has more issues than the woods have trees. I mean that. The sooner he is off that radio the better the airwaves will be. Get someone truer and better to run that program. Or any other program, for that matter. We know crooks and possibly anti-social people when we hear or read their words.

        James Alex Gerard

    • Um, here’s just a sample of George Ralph Noory and his NORCOM business-practice actions from years ago. There’s another five pages or so of filings against him, but darn, some of us have lives and there’s enough against Noory to keep investigators busy for days.

      If this man acts in good faith in business or even personal matters, then George Noory must be right and the rest of the world is wrong, huh?, or how he’d spin it. Some massive “conspiracy,” no doubt, to suppress his greatness, truth, love, light and being the self-professed “anointed one” of the world:
      — NOORY, GEORGE R; 21C94-07496; Defendant ; DIVERSIFOLIA INCORPORATED V GEORGE R NOORY; AC Suit on Account; 04/25/1994,
      — NOORY, GEORGE R; 21C94-07497; Defendant; DOWN UNDER AQUATICS V GEORGE R NOORY; AC Suit on Account ; 04/25/1994,
      — NOORY, GEORGE R; 16EX96-001580; Debtor; JAGUAR CREDIT CORPORATI V GEORGE NOORY; Foreign/Non-Case Document; 09/19/1996,
      –NOORY, GEORGE; 21563328; Defendant; MIDDENDORF MEAT COMPANY ETAL V NORCOM INC ETAL; CC Other Miscellaneous Actions; 06/30/1987,
      — NOORY, GEORGE ; 21C94-0793; Defendant ; VIDEO SERVICES GROUP INC V GEORGE NOORY ETAL; AC Suit on Account ; 05/02/1994,
      — NOORY, GEORGE A; 21664541; Defendant; GREYHOUND FINANCIAL CORP V NORTEL ENTERTAINME ETAL ; CC Other Miscellaneous Action; 06/22/1994,
      — NOORY, GEORGE; 21668051; Defendant ; MAGNA BANK OF ILLINOIS V GEORGE NOORY; CC Promissory Note; 09/27/1994,
      — NOORY, GEORGE; 21664932; Defendant ; EATON FINANCIAL CORPOR V NORTEL ENTERTAINMEN ETAL; CC Other Miscellaneous Actions; 07/05/1994,
      — NOORY, GEORGE; 21C94-19720; Defendant ; VIDEO CENTRAL INCORPORATED V GEORGE NOORY; AC Suit on Account ; 10/20/1994,
      — NOORY, GEORGE; 21C94-24564; Defendant; VMI COMPANY OF ST LOUIS INC V GEORGE NOORY; AC Suit on Account; 12/29/1994,
      — NOORY, GEORGE ; 22950-01155 ; Defendant ; UNITEL VIDEO INC VS NORCOM ENTERTATINMENT ETAL; AC Breach of Contract ; 02/03/1995,
      — NOORY, GEORGE; 21C95-03690; Defendant ; BOARD OF MANAGERS OF CONWAY MEADOWS C V; NOORY ETAL ; AC Contract-Other ; 02/22/1995.
      — NOORY, GEORGE; 21C96-01029; Defendant ; EQUIPLAN INCORPORATED V NORCOM ENTERTAINMENT ETAL ; AC Reg of Foreign Judgment;01/17/1996,
      — NOORY, GEORGE ; 21C96-01863; Defendant ; FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION V GEORGE NOORY; AC Suit on Account ; 01/25/1996,
      — NOORY, GEORGE R; 21C96-10843; Defendant ; BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR CWMBS V NOORY ETAL ; AC Unlawful Detainer; 05/24/1996,
      — NOORY, GEORGE; 2197TJ-03207;Defendant; FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION V GEORGE NOORY; CC Transcript Judgment ; 08/07/1997,
      — NOORY, GEORGE R; 2100AC-22139; Defendant ; WOOD LAKE CONDOMINIUM V GEORGE R NOORY; AC Contract-Other ; 10/27/2000,
      There you go, all. There’s a lot more — one heck of a lot more — in those Missouri public records where that mere “handful” of bad-faith business tactics came from. Wow! Even a housing lawsuit leveled against his condo home, then a lawsuit against him for that Jaguar car he bought.

      Looks like he gave people his word and had no issue with lying and even breaching contracts? Then people today feel they might have been ripped off by this huckster? Look up the history of George Noory and you will deduce it’s a history of lies, cheating and being nothing like the “light and truth” he claims to be.

      James Alex Gerard

      • Wow.. thanks again, James. That is eye-opening. I’ve actually stopped listening to his show over the dating site issue. I refuse to support someone who won’t even acknowledge that he is scamming people. And now, after reading all of that, I am glad I no longer support him. *smdh*

      • Thanks for posting my tale of woe. My only excuse is that I had never joined any site before, but I should have known when I started asking the men there about Paranormal Date and they knew nothing about it!

        On Oct 11, 2016 10:46 PM, “As the Fates Would Have It” wrote:

        > Lori Carlson commented: “Thank you, Tami… I am so glad you read this > first 🙂 email me some time ravynehawke(at)gmail(d0t)com – I’d love to chat > about paranormal with you :)” >

  14. I agree with the claim of catfishers on the C2C site. A man named Raymond ( with a very thick German accent) got me to give him my email address and began setting me up for the “I need money for a new laptop”scam. He also wanted to send things to my home? Please Ladies,see it coming. Especially if he starts saying I Love You, too soon.

  15. I have found that the majority of people on Paranormal Date have absolutely no idea what the Paranormal is all about. They would be better suited to sign up for Christian Mingle !

    • *nods* that’s why I left the site. It isn’t just Paranormal Date, it is a whole host of other dating sites connected to it and you are lucky to find someone who is actually signed up for Paranormal Date. It’s just one big scam. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Ron.

      • I am not surprised. I am sure C2C may have had something to do with it. I contacted them after I realized that this whole thing was a fraud and they weren’t interested in hearing my complaint. The response that I received was that the TOS stated plainly that other networks were involved. So according to them, warning was given and it was just tough luck that my profile was being spread across their entire network of dating sites. Not sure how to get the message out more, but if you discover a way, I would be delighted to hear about it.

    • After being on the site for just a few months– I found the exact same thing as these other people. The FIRST thing most ask is for my e mail…. huh? Too cheap to pay to be on the site or something more nefarious?.. But as to the above–the WORST date I ever had was on Christian Mingle. He asked me to go to lunch with him… he ordered….WATER….never any food. I knew what would happen next— – he didn’t give the waitress a penny and let me pay for my own coffee. He then followed me to my car and had the sheer audacity to hold out his arms and ask….’CAN I GET A HUGGGGGG?” I won’t tell you what I told him he could have!

  16. If you read the fine print on the paranormal date site when you sign up you will see it’s combined with many many other sites. Almost no one that I’ve gotten any contact is on or even know what paranormal date is. Some of on BBW, some on Farmers and Cowboys. 99 out of 100 are catfishers and have the same type of profiles–christian and widowed, god fearing and their photo never matches their ethnicity. One guy said he was vietnamese and he was clearly caucasian. Said he was interested in black women. Another said he was Native American and no way was he. Others mix up looking for men and women in he same profile all in terrible english. One guy said he was from Dutch…there is no country called Dutch, it’s either Holland or Netherlands. I report them but their profile still stays there. I contacted George Noory via his email and he basically said ‘we have over 40K members and completely ignored that it was a scam.Even if you cancel your paid subscription, you are still on the site without a photo that’s how they claim they have so many members…most of them are not active.

    • You are sooooo right about these foreign scammers. They can barely type an English sentence. They are always “Christian, God-fearing, honest, widowed (usually with one or two children…tugging on the maternal heartstrings) and favorite food for some reason is usually CHICKEN AND RICE”. It is like when they fill out their profile they are all following the same script. They NEVER want to talk on the phone…..always immediately want your email or to text. Their objective is to scam American women out of money. They are low-life scumbags who pray on lonely single women. Do a google search for INTERNET SCAMMERS TARGETING WOMEN. I sent Noory a scathing email telling him he should be ashamed of himself for advertising the Paranormal website (and making money off of it, no doubt) and putting his female listeners in potential danger, but received no response. And you are also correct that no one on the website even knows what the word Paranormal means. WHAT A RIPOFF SITE!!!!

  17. I got a message back from Paranormal Date as to why my diary entry was not approved. The message was sent twice, possibly because I revised the post. Our conspiracy theory is apparently true – this is a network of sites run by the same company with the profiles shared between them all. Why they wouldn’t be more up front about it is beyond me, there are a lot of unhappy BBW women who probably have a tough time dealing with shallow men in real life. So don’t bother sending messages to Coast to Coast.

    • It just bothers me because people think they are dealing with only people who are into the paranormal, but in reality, they are dealing with people from all these other dating sites. I doubt anything will be done about it. I got a refund on my membership and cancelled my account.

      • Since I had the discount and only paid $30 for 6 months I’m just going to ride it out and see what happens. I’m sure the “paranormal” faction will grow since there’s more advertising dollars involved. I was under the impression that “interests” involved the ability to choose from aliens, bigfoot, ghosts, 9/11 conspiracies, etc., and it would be listed on your profile. Thanks for this blog post and please leave it up for other people, since it’s the only site I found with this information.

  18. If you look through the diary entries you will notice a number of women who are unhappy because they thought they signed up for a BBW dating site and are seeing men looking for thin women.

    A number of entries simply refer to “this site”. Very few users mention the paranormal at all.

    According to other diary entries, there seems to be at least two pooled sites in addition to Paranormal Date, including BBW@TangoDate and SoulMates.

    I have gotten a wink from a Chicago user and another from someplace in CA. Being from the East Coast this is unusual and I doubt they were accidental clicks.

    When I attempted to mention this problem in my own diary page the message was never approved.

    I added a reference to ParanormalDate and C2C in my profile and that was approved.

    I bought 6 months instead of 3 since being a C2C Web site subscriber there was a 50% discount code I received in e-mail. It’d be interesting to see how this thing plays out. But you are right, this is not “Paranormal Date” but a network of sites you are signing up for.

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