10 Daily Currents – 04.02.16

It is Saturday at 1:05 pm and I am currently…

1. listening: my BB on the phone

2. eating: cabbage and meatballs

3. drinking: Pepsi Max

4. wearing: black silky pj bottoms, black silky t-shirt, purple socks

5. feeling: extremely sleepy.. been up now for 15 hrs

6. weather: cool, about 55 degrees… sunny

7. wanting: to actually sleep instead of toss and turn

8. needing: sleep

9. thinking: have I finished all of my posts for today?

10. enjoying: chatting with my BB on the phone

I had a thought, dear readers… if you’d like to grab these 10 Daily Currents and write your own, link back to my post so I can share along with you!

03.31.16 – End of Day Notes

What I did today: I did some writing projects in the wee hours of the night and then around 10 am, I crashed and burned. I was supposed to go to the store with my dad, but I couldn’t get awake. I felt drugged and couldn’t focus my eyes. Even after waking up around 4 pm, it was hard to get focused. My brain didn’t want to wake up and my eyes were blurry. It has taken many cups of coffee just to get to the point of concentration.

What I learned today: staying awake for 24 hrs is not a good thing. I keep forgetting that I am older now and cannot maintain those long days anymore.

What I am most proud of today:  I completed my 31-part Noir-style WhoDunIt and was very satisfied with the results. It came in at just a couple of hundred words shy of 35k, my second longest writing project. Now I just hope I can maintain that momentum with the 26 science fiction stories I plan to write for the A2Z over at Promptly Written. I’ve also written and scheduled ALL of my posts for this blog for the A2Z. I am so excited. April will be loads of fun for me.

What did you do today, dear readers? Learn any lessons? Have a reason to be proud? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

03.26.16 – End of Day Notes

What I did today: Today has been an incredibly productive day. I know! It’s a shock to me too! I wrote all of my usual projects, 2 drabbles, the Coffee share, the Saturday 9, a six word story, the SoCS post, a guest post over at Annette’s Place on Mindfulness and a few other odds and ends. All of that on no sleep. Yes, I pulled another all-niter. I finally crashed around 4:30 pm and slept until around 7-ish. It will probably be another long night.

What I learned today: the Easter Bunny is real! I was wanting chocolate, but there is none in the house. I left my desk, went to pee, and when I returned, there was a piece of chocolate on my desk. There is no other obvious explanation. It had to be the Easter Bunny!

What I am most proud of today:  I was able to shift from my pissed-off state yesterday back to my happy place relatively easily. In the past, it would have taken days, not hours.

What did you do today, dear readers? Learn any lessons? Have a reason to be proud? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

03.01.16 – End of Day Notes

What I did today: I was up for 25 hours before finally falling into an exhaustive sleep around 11 am today. Then I was back awake by 2 pm. I did a lot of my writing projects during my insomnia episode and then finished them after awakening. I sat outside and enjoyed another beautiful warm, sunny day. Watched an X-Men movie and am now really feeling the burn from lack of sleep, not to mention tension in my back and neck.

What I learned today: Sleep is an elusive mistress.

What I am most proud of today: Managing to write despite lack of sleep and energy.

What did you do today? Learn any lessons? Have a reason to be proud? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!