10 Daily Currents – 03.16.16

It is Wednesday at 12:22 pm and I am currently…

1. listening: the birds singing outside, my dad and brother discussing politics *shock* and voices in my head

2. eating: fried eggs, bacon, an avocado

3. drinking: coffee with cream and stevia

4. wearing: black sweats, purple sweater, purple socks

5. feeling: sleepy, so very sleepy

6. weather: cool, partly cloudy, around 65 degrees

7. wanting: my feet to stop burning

8. needing: sleep… been up since 3 am

9. thinking: about how to be more efficient with my time, how to get more writing in each day, and what all I need to change to accomplish these things

10. enjoying: I’m not… I am sleepy, grouchy and my feet are burning.. not much there to enjoy. I hate when physical issues still my joy.

03.13.16 – End of Day Notes

What I did today: My feet did not cooperate last night, so I was up until about 9 am this morning. I got a few writing projects done. Still feeling crappy, I decided to take some cold medicine and go back to bed. I slept until dinner was ready, about 3 pm. I ate, watched one episode of the original Star Trek and then went back to bed. I didn’t wake up again until about 30 mins ago. There is a good chance I may be up all night.

What I learned today: Given the chance, my body love sleep. Craves it, even. And if induced , I will sleep as long as I can.

What I am most proud of today:  I wasn’t awake long enough to actually be proud of anything. Maybe that is something to be proud of.. I slept. Hmmmm?

What did you do today? Learn any lessons? Have a reason to be proud? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

Celebrate the Small Things – 03.04.16

Celebrate blog hop

Today I am celebrating…

Truthfully, I don’t have much to celebrate this week. I am just busy writing. I guess I could celebrate four successful days on my WhoDunIt. So far, the story is progressing along nicely. No hiccups. No writer’s block. I would say smooth sails ahead, but as surely as I did, Murphy would come visiting and it would all go to hell. So I won’t jinx it.

I would like to be celebrating Spring, but it snowed yesterday. About 4 inches worth of that white stuff. And it is cold. So nothing to celebrate about that. Although, the weather man does promise 70 degree weather next week. *fingers crossed*

I can’t even celebrate about staying rested during all of my writing excursions because I have been plagued by insomnia off and on for over a week now. I will celebrate getting 6 hours of sleep night before last and another 3 yesterday evening, but I am awake again and sleep is alluding me tonight/early this morning.

What I will celebrate is my muses, Catharine and Evelyn, as they are staying on top of things and keeping the ideas flowing. Thank you, ladies!

And right now, I am going to go celebrate my coffee pot. It looks like another long day of writing ahead of me.

What are you celebrating this week? Feel free to share with me in comments.


Each Friday, I join Lexa Cain and friends for a weekly blog-hop called Celebrate the Small Things, where we celebrate all of those small moments from the week before.

The wonderful co-hosts of Celebrate the Small Things are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog

Celebrate The Small Things Linky:

1. Lexa Cain 2. Fiction and Film
3. Writing Off the Edge 4. Kidbits
5. TheCyborgMom 6. Thoughts and Ideas from Deanie Humphrys-Dunne
7. My Inner Geek 8. Eclectic Alli
9. Intentional Insights with S. Kelley Harrell 10. Constantine
11. My Miracle Life 12. Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams
13. My Creatively Random Life 14. Shells Tales and Sails
15. Lara Lacombe 16. TF Walsh
17. Caring for my Veteran 18. Life, Yoga and Other Adventures
19. About myself, by myself 20. Suzanne Furness
21. Elizabeth Seckman 22. Avalon
23. Cherdo on the Flipside 24. My Baffling Brain
25. Planet Kimberly 26. Shah Wharton
27. Mere Joyce 28. Victorian Scribbles
29. Tanya Miranda 30. God, Entertainment, & Annoying Things
31. Ann – A Friend of Jesus 2013 32. Special Teaching At Pempi’s Palace
33. Square Pegs 34. Patricia’s Place
35. Yvonne Van Dalen 36. Anne Higa
37. My Antimatter Life 38. Into the Imagination Vortex
39. Bouquet of Books 40. Lightravellerkate
41. Curious As A Cathy 42. Thoughts for the Day
43. Julie Flanders 44. As the Fates Would Have It

03.03.16 – End of Day Notes

What I did today: Slept! Yes, I have finally managed to get some sleep. Six hours last night and an additional three this evening. I also finished all of my writing projects for the day, read some emails, and read some posts for challenges. And slept! How’d that happen? *laughs* I also signed up for this: Commun.it so far it has been a great help. And, it snowed today so I got to watch the snow and it even influenced a poem. Good day!

What I learned today: There are some amazing writers here on WordPress, of fiction and poetry, and I wish I could read all of their work every day. If only there were more than 24 hrs in every day!

What I am most proud of today: I finally managed to catch up on a few of my favorite shows. Sounds kind of shallow to be proud of that, but I don’t watch much tv, and the few shows I do watch, I consider them well-created and they do influence my writing.

What did you do today? Learn any lessons? Have a reason to be proud? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

02.26.16 – End of Day Notes

What I did today: It’s been an odd day. I stayed awake until about 4:30 this morning and got back up around 11 am. I finished my writing, read a few emails, at a late breakfast and was sitting here freezing my arse off. So I just said “fuck it” and crawled back into bed. I thought my calendar would alert me around 6 pm so I could get back up, but I had it sitting open on the desktop and the alarm didn’t go off, so I slept until 7 pm. Woke up, got some hot tea, turned on my small heater and settled down to read some posts for challenges. I am caught up with last Saturday’s posts now. Still have the rest of the week to read. Way behind on emails, per usual. Will try to read some of those tonight. My entertainment tonight will consist of The Maltese Falcon (for research) and then another X-Men movie (for pleasure), if I manage to stay out of my bed long enough to watch them both. The sleep demons are already attacking me and I’ve only been up for 2 hours. Maybe I need a pot of coffee instead of this tea.

What I learned today: A cold me is a miserable me. My bed knows how to tempt me too easily.

What I am most proud of today: Not sure, if anything… maybe that although I napped, it wasn’t half the night? Probably not that proud of a moment, huh?

What did you do today? Learn any lessons? Have a reason to be proud? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

Share Your World – 2016 Week 1


for Cee’s Share Your World

As a child, who was your favorite relative?

Interesting and quite a synchronicity! I was just discussing this with my father yesterday. I actually had 3 favorite relatives growing up: my aunt Betty on my father’s side of the family, and my aunts Carol and Jenny on my mother’s side of the family. All three of them taught me so much about life and were like mothers to me.

If you could be a tree or plant, what would you be?

A magnolia tree! They are majestic, green all year long and those blooms! Quiet, reserved, simple.. and yet they smell so wonderful!

What would be your preference, awake before dawn or awake before noon?

I would prefer to awaken before dawn these days as I really love watching the sun come up and beginning the day early; however, for so long I have been a night owl and when I am writing, my body just gears me up for night writing. So I awaken usually just before noon or shortly thereafter.

Would you like to sleep in a human size nest in a tree or be snuggled in a burrowed spot underground?

Definitely snuggled in a burrowed spot underground. I am terrified of heights and being up in the tree would be, well, terrifying. I do admire birds and creatures though who do live in tree-tops and wish I could.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

For last week, I am grateful for the lingering warmth as it has gotten quite cold now. For the upcoming week, I am looking forward to doing more writing.

#joyfuljan – Day Four


For today’s #joyfuljan, I find joy in sleep. After yesterday’s painful lesson, I definitely needed much sleep, but it did not come easily. It was well past 2 am before I fell into slumber and it was nearly 1 pm before I woke up today. But ah! the sleep… the sweet release of sleep! When it did come, I felt my mind cocooned, sheltered. Nothing bad could touch me there. I slept more deeply than I have in a very long time. And when I awakened, my mind was once again clear of the fog from the previous day.

What do you find joy in today? Let me know in the comments!


Throughout the month of January, I will be celebrating Joyful January with Satya and Kaspa over at Writing Our Way Home