Celebrate the Small Things – 03.25.16

Celebrate blog hop

Last week, I didn’t get to celebrate anything. I was all set to write my post when the neighbor’s tree hit our Lumos line, knocking out the cable, phone and internet. I will celebrate that no one was harmed and I was back up and running by Monday.

We celebrated the arrival of Spring in a typical Virginian way with wacky weather. It was a record cold 1st day of Spring. I stayed huddled in my room with the heater on, writing.

Wednesday, we celebrated my dad’s 73rd birthday. We didn’t do anything special because that’s just the way my dad is… no thrills, no frills and no fluff. So long as well all remember a card or a “Happy Birthday, Pops!” then he is a happy man. I guess it comes from growing up poor and always making a meager paycheck with 3 kids to raise. He was never one for presents or even a cake. We did make him a nice dinner though.

By this time next week, March will be over. It has been another whirlwind month of writing for me. I can hardly believe the month is so close to an end. And with it’s end, will come the end of my noir-style WhoDunIt, The Stacked Deck. I have enjoyed being in the head of my MC, Jack Diamond. He is such a cad, but I love him! I will miss him when this month is over. But I do have April to look forward to and with it comes the A2Z Challenge. I will be switching gears from mystery to science fiction. I figure if I can go from horror to mystery, then these science fiction stories should be a breeze.

And finally, I am celebrating the visit of my sister and my two grand-nieces. They should be here in just under an hour. It’s been nearly a month since I’ve seen them. Skylar and Autumn are a sheer joy to be around.

What are you celebrating this week, dear readers? Feel free to share with me in comments.


Each Friday, I join Lexa Cain and friends for a weekly blog-hop called Celebrate the Small Things, where we celebrate all of those small moments from the week before.

The wonderful co-hosts of Celebrate the Small Things are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog

Celebrate The Small Things Linky:

1. Lexa Cain 2. Fiction and Film
3. Writing Off the Edge 4. Kidbits
5. TheCyborgMom 6. Thoughts and Ideas from Deanie Humphrys-Dunne
7. My Inner Geek 8. Eclectic Alli
9. Intentional Insights with S. Kelley Harrell 10. Constantine
11. My Miracle Life 12. Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams
13. My Creatively Random Life 14. Shells Tales and Sails
15. Lara Lacombe 16. TF Walsh
17. Caring for my Veteran 18. Life, Yoga and Other Adventures
19. About myself, by myself 20. Suzanne Furness
21. Elizabeth Seckman 22. Avalon
23. Cherdo on the Flipside 24. My Baffling Brain
25. Planet Kimberly 26. Shah Wharton
27. Mere Joyce 28. Victorian Scribbles
29. Tanya Miranda 30. God, Entertainment, & Annoying Things
31. Ann – A Friend of Jesus 2013 32. Special Teaching At Pempi’s Palace
33. Square Pegs 34. Patricia’s Place
35. Yvonne Van Dalen 36. Anne Higa
37. My Antimatter Life 38. Into the Imagination Vortex
39. Bouquet of Books 40. Lightravellerkate
41. Curious As A Cathy 42. Thoughts for the Day
43. Julie Flanders 44. As the Fates Would Have It
45. Project Why



10 thoughts on “Celebrate the Small Things – 03.25.16

  1. Happy Birthday to your dad. You’ve got to love people who appreciate the simple things in life.

    I live in WV, so wacky weather is the norm. Shorts one day, coat the next. We don’t balance out until around June.

  2. Happy Birthday to your father! I love that he’s modest but got to celebrate with a dinner and family attention. Congrats on being almost done with your mystery and good luck with the A-Z!! 🙂

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